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Project formalization: July 2023
End of administrative procedures: December 2023
Start of scientific activities: January 2024
Duration: 2023-2025
Project Status: Ongoing
Agenas Scientific Responsible: Marco Marchetti
Altems Scientific Responsible: Dario Sacchini


AGENAS, in collaboration with ALTEMS, started a pilot collaboration between public and private sectors aimed to the development of a research activity dedicated to exploring critical themes for the sustainability, resilience, and antifragility of the National Health Service.

This collaboration resulted in the research project "Assessment Model (HTA) of approaches to chronicity management (evaluation of the impact of technological and organizational innovations on outcomes and other value elements) in a value-based healthcare logic. Diabetes and COPD/Severe Asthma”.

The Project focuses on the issues of taking care of patients with diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and severe asthma, relevant pathologies to all the stakeholders of the National Health Service (health organizations, Regions/PPAAs, citizens, patients, industry) in consideration of the new care models designed by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) - M6C1 subinvestment 1. 2.3 Telemedicine for a better support of chronic patients - and by the Regulation defining models and standards for the development of territorial care in the National Health Service (Decree No. 77 of May 23, 2022).

The overall objective of the project is, therefore, to outline an advanced model of management of the diabetic patient, the patient with severe asthma, and the patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) capable of ensuring maximum value for the individual and the community through optimal use of the resources and expertise available in individual territorial contexts, in a value-based logic and in line with the reforms and investments envisaged by the PNRR M6C1 Sub. 1.2.3 and DM 77/22.

The overall responsibility for the research project, as well as the supervision and coordination of all activities, will be shared between AGENAS and ALTEMS as promoters and co-financiers in-kind of the initiative.

To support the implementation of project activities and for the only purpose of public good research, unconditional sponsorships have been provided by 10 external companies operating in the biomedical sector (according to Article 19 of Legislative Decree No. 50/2016 - Public Procurement Code).

These companies will participate in the Project Advisory Committee.

Companies: Abbot SRL – AstraZeneca S.p.A. – Chiesi Italia S.p.A. - GlaxoSmithKline S.p.A. - GUTENBERG S.R.L. - Health Telematic Network S.r.l. - Menarini Ricerche S.p.A. – Pfizer S.r.l. – Sanofi S.R.L. - SERVIER ITALIA S.p.A.

Additional potential project stakeholders can include Regions, Health Companies, IRCCS (Scientific Institutes for Research, Hospitalization and Healthcare), Consortia, and Foundations along with interested Private Entities, including organizations representing the interests and concerns of citizens and patients, and any other organization or institution with a legitimate interest in the proper functioning of the institutional health system at the national, regional, and local levels.

For more information about the Project, the following links are provided:
  • AGENAS/ALTEMS Research Project - Clinical Care Paths for Diabetes, COPD, Severe Asthma  PDF Logo PDF
  • Public notice for the search for sponsorships under Article 19 of Legislative Decree No. 50/2016 to support the implementation of the evaluation model (HTA) of approaches to chronicity management: link 16LINK

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abbott  abbott  abbott  abbott  abbott 



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